Getting started


As a start run the jupyter notebooks in tutorials section:

source activate roboy
cd ~/Vision/tutorials
jupyter notebook

There is four different tutorials:

  • Face_Detection tutorial will show you how to run a face detection an an image or webcam input using the MTCNN neural network. Additionally also DLib face detector is used.
  • Facenet_Embeddings tutorial shows how to calculate the 128D embeddings given a face using facenet. There exist 2 versions of this tutorial. One is using MTCNN for face detection, the other one using DLib. This tutoial provides the functionality to caluclate and save embeddings on a database of pictures, where all pictures are stored in a folder structure, with the folder name being the person in the picture.
  • Classifier_Training uses embeddings calculated in the previous tutorial to train a classifier to distinguish between the classes in these embeddings. Currently only SVM and a binary Tree have been implemented.
  • Face_Recognition tutorial shows how to run the classification on an image or webcam input. It demonstrates this using KNN and the classifiers trained in the previous tutorial.

Real Time

For running face detection in real time you can run the script:

source activate roboy
cd ~/Vision
python src/vision_service/scripts/face_detection.python

This will show the currently detected faces using MTCNN including the corresponding feature points in an extra window. Integration with ROS is currently missing on this branch because of python 2 vs. python 3 constraint using ROS and Tensorfloe at the same time.

This is why ROS communication was only implemented in dirty_final_hack branch ( Here an alternative approach for Communication using File I/O between python 2 and python 3 was implemented. Using this approach ROS will run in python 2, whereas face detection with tensorflow will run seperatly using python 3. This branch can be removed as soon as proper Python 3 integration was achieved. In this branch 2 services are offered:

  • Face nearby: Query whether a face is nearby
  • Recognize face: Recognize name of a given face